Do I live in the 2nd Senate District?

The 2nd Senate District includes most of Windsor and Bloomfield and the northern half of Hartford. Click the button below to confirm that you are able to vote for Ayana in the primary.

Can I vote in the primary?

You must be a registered Democrat to vote for Ayana in the primary. To double-check your party registration, click the button below.

If you are registered as an Unaffiliated voter, there is still time to change your party registration to Democrat to vote for Ayana. If you are registered as a Republican (or with another political party such as the Independent Party), the deadline has passed to change your party affiliation. 

You can change your party affiliation to Democrat in three ways: in person, online, or by mail.

Note that you are not a voter until your application is approved by the Registrar of Voters. It’s a good idea to confirm with your Registrar by phone or by using the voter registration look-up tool before voting. 

**If you plan to change from unaffiliated to Democrat in order to vote early, you must change your registration by August 2 at Noon.

Can I vote by absentee ballot?

Connecticut law allows you to receive an absentee ballot if you cannot appear at your assigned polling place on Election Day because of active service in the military, absence from the town in which you are eligible to vote, sickness, religious tenets that forbid secular activity on the day of the election, duties as an election official at a polling place other than your own during all of the hours of voting, or physical disability.

Starting July 23, you can click here to request an absentee ballot.

You can also download and print your absentee ballot application here and mail it into your town’s Register of Voters. 

Absentee Ballots must be returned by 8 pm on August 13th to be counted. You can mail them in (the suggested deadline for returning by mail is August 6th, due to delays in mail delivery) or place them in the secure drop boxes located outside of your town’s city hall.

Where and when do I vote on August 13?

Polls are open at your usual voting place from 6am to 8pm on Tuesday, August 13. To look up your polling place, click the button below

If you want to take advantage of early voting, click here to see your voting location.

What if I’m not registered to vote?

If you are not registered to vote, these are the deadlines:

If you plan to vote in person on August 13th 

You can register to vote in three ways: in person, online, or by mail. 

  • In-person: August 12th at noon is the deadline for registering to vote in person with the registrar of voters in your town.

  • Online: July 26th is the deadline for registering to vote online. Note, that if you are registering to vote for the first time, you will have to bring your photo ID to your polling place on August 13th.

  • By mail: August 7th is the deadline for your voter registration form to be postmarked; it must be received by the registrar’s office by August 12th. 

Note that you are not a voter until your application is approved by the Registrar of Voters. It’s a good idea to confirm with your Registrar by phone or using the voter registration look-up above before voting. 

If you plan to vote by Absentee Ballot

The deadlines above apply, but if you are registering online or by mail, you must be sure to leave extra time for the Registrar of Voters to process your voter registration, receive your absentee ballot application, and issue your absentee ballot. All absentee ballots must be received by 8 pm on August 13th. In addition, if you are registering to vote for the first time by mail or online, federal law requires you to submit a copy of your photo ID with your absentee ballot application. 

Note: same-day registration is not available for Primary elections.

Where do I go to register to vote in person?

What if I need a ride to the polls?

Call (860) 580-9759 to leave a message, campaign staff will get back to you to schedule a ride.

What is Early voting?

This year, you can also vote early! Early Voting allows you to vote in person safely and securely the week before the Primary Election. The dates for Early Voting are Monday, August 5 to Sunday, August 11. Early Voting means you can vote on your own schedule - no reason or excuse needed!

  • Each town has selected ONE voting location where you will be able to go in and cast your ballot. In the 2nd Senate District, those locations are:

  • The hours for Early Voting are:

    • Monday, August 5 - 10am to 6pm

    • Tuesday, August 6 - 8am to 8pm

    • Wednesday, August 7 - 10am to 6pm

    • Thursday, August 8 - 8am to 8pm

    • Friday, August 9 - 10am to 6pm

    • Saturday, August 10 - 10am to 6pm

    • Sunday, August 11 - 10am to 6pm

  • When you arrive at the Early Voting location, you will check in and be verified as an eligible voter. You will then receive your ballot with an envelope. You will complete your ballot at a privacy booth and seal it in the approved envelope. Before you leave, place the sealed envelope in the secure receptacle as instructed by the election officials. Ballots will be secured unopened until Election Day and will be opened and counted on Election Day.

  • If you want to vote early for Ayana but are not registered to vote, you can go to the registrar’s office by noon on the day before you wish to vote early.  

    If you want to vote early for Ayana but are registered to vote as an unaffiliated voter, you must change your party registration to Democratic by August 2 at 12pm.

  • Call (860) 580-9759 to leave a message, campaign staff will get back to you to schedule a ride.