
  • June 20

    Opinion: CT deserves answers on school funding from elected representatives

  • June 17

    Looking to become a political candidate or operative? There's a Yale program for that

  • June 14

    The Campaign School at Yale is training women to be future political leaders

  • June 10

    Yale program teaches women how to run election campaigns

  • May 17

    Battle for senate seat in CT 2nd district will likely be settled in Aug. 13 Democratic primary

  • April 24

    Ayana Taylor Slams Deep Cuts to Hartford Schools

  • March 14

    Windsor Democrats Endorse Ayana Taylor for State Senate

  • Feb 14

    Democrat Ayana Taylor Receives Support of 10 Windsor Leaders

  • Feb 14

    CT Insider: The race for the CT Senate's 2nd district is already heating up.

  • Jan 30

    CT Mirror: CT union leader seeks Senate seat, complicating leaders’ loyalties

  • Jan 26

    Kevin Rennie: Ayana Taylor qualifies for public financing in challenge to McCrory.

  • Jan 7

    Ayana Taylor finishes campaign fundraising. In less than 3 weeks.